Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Holla dear readers.. finally, my exam had come to the end.. MERDEKA!!! yeay.. 4 MONTHS of HOLIDAYS?? are you kidding me!!! hahahaha,,,
Guess what, even though im supposed to be at home right now, im actually still here in IPBA.. and i myself can't believe this.. im the type of girl who will hop in my dad's car the next minute after the exam finished.. but this time around, im dragging  my holidays for 1 WEEK... not 1 day..

 WHY?? WHY?? WHY?? 
 it's actually because of them!

My besties @ roommates : Juju & Rina

My besties @ jiran depan bilik : Dba & Gaga

My Beloved Sisters : Flo & Jane

My Beloved Sister @ My Fighting Partner : Shen-Ann

My Beloved Sisters : Myra & Izza
Basically, these 9 lovely girls are my hommies whom i really really love.. So, i decided to drag a few days of my hols to spend with them.. and i truly think it is WORTH IT! btw, yesterday, rina, juju and i cooked for them and we had our dinner together! it was such a memorable moment.. im going to write an entry on that soon.. hehe..=)

Well, i think that's all for now.. ciaooo..^__^

I love you guys very much! Im sooo gonna miss all of you..=)


  1. Awww...such a touching post. Thanks for staying back for us, cook for us and wake us up to study. Very supportive of you. Thank you, sista!! :D

  2. haahhh!! is this really u shen-ann?? wahhhh..!! you are getting better in expressing your feeling now man!! i super duper loike it! haha..xD
    btw, its my pleasure sistah! ^__^

  3. NO!!!!! This is not being expressive!! I shall never be expressive! NEVA!!!!!

  4. hahahahaha.. okay2.. whatever u call it, im very touched and happy with your previous comment! ^__^

  5. Ahhhhh!!!!! That wasn't me!!!!! :P It was Florinta!! :P

  6. hahaha..that is the lamest thing you can ever say! ^__^

  7. wahhh....i tot u r here bcuz of me. so sad thinking of its-bcuz-of-someelse

  8. haha..of course you are one of the reasons too...=)
